This is the spot to read or watch's interviews with some really awesome celebrities from all genres.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Exclusive Interview with Buddy Valastro aka the Cake Boss...
Exclusive Interview with Black Rose Drive...
Exclusive Interview with Latin Grammy Nominee...Los Claxsons...
Exclusive Interview with Latin Grammy Nominee...KoKo...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Alex Jorge y Lena Interview
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Entrevista Exclusiva con Rodolfo Jimenez...
Entrevista Exclusiva con Rodolfo Jimenez...
Espero que les guste mi entrevista con el guapísimo conductor de la programa "La Tijera" de Telefutura!
Chrissy: Primero, antes de nada, gracias por aceptar de hacer esta entrevista conmigo.
Rodolfo: Gracias a Ti mi Amor x tomarme en cuenta para tu espacio !
Chrissy: Vamos a regresar 15 años atrás, ¿Cómo iniciaste en la actuación?"
Rodolfo: Inicie en el medio del modelaje, yo tenía un negocio de jugos, pasteles y chocomiles, y una modelo era mi clienta, nos hicimos amigos y de ahí comenzamos a salir y cuando la acompañaba a sus desfiles de modas siempre los dueños de la agencia para la que trabaja me invitaban para que fuera modelo y yo no quería x que tenía mi propio negocio, hasta que un día ella medio me convenció al igual que una de mis hermanas y les tome la palabra y de ahí nunca más he parado de trabajar.
Chrissy: ¿Cuál ha sido tu personaje favorita?
Rodolfo: Un Mafioso de un cartel que al mismo tiempo abusaba de su esposa y violaba a su hijastra...
Chrissy: ¿Como llegaste ser parte del elenco de La Tijera?
Rodolfo: Pues siempre he tenido la fortuna de poder hacer conducción a la par de las novelas y me invitaron a hacer un casting y de ahí me gane la silla de la Tijera............
Chrissy: ¿Se siente un poquito extraño "chismeando" de tus colegas?"
Rodolfo: Para nada, lo que pasa es que yo no chismeo solamente reproduzco las acciones que ellos hacen y que se convierten en noticia, y en este negocio hasta a mi me ha tocado que me balconeen.
Chrissy: ¿Cuáles son sus próximos proyectos?
Rodolfo: Consagrarme como el mejor conductor de la televisión hispana, y seguir el resto de mi vida en Univision que ha sido una empresa muy generosa conmigo.
Chrissy: ¿Sueñas de llegar a "Hollywood" un día?
Rodolfo: Ya lo intente en una ocasión y como no conozco a nadie allá no me funciono y a estas alturas de mi vida es algo que ya no me quita el sueño........
Chrissy: Cambiando un poco de tema, ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer?
Rodolfo: Me encanta dormir, ver películas, nadar en el mar y caminar bastante a la orilla del mar eso me relaja como no tienes una idea.......
Chrissy: ¿Tiene algún gran sueño que no ha sido realizado?
Rodolfo: Tener mi propio show en Univision//////
Chrissy: Esta pregunta viene de tus fans, ¿Qué características te gustan en las mujeres?
Rodolfo: No tengo un look en particular al contrario yo creo que es más importante la atracción y lo que se de después de una buena cena e intercambio intelectual...........
Chrissy: Y, para tu suerte, ya terminamos! Pero, espero poder entrevistarte en persona la próxima vez que estoy en Miami. Gracias de nuevo y que sigues tan exitoso como siempre! Oh, y una preguntita más! ¿Gustas mandar un mensaje a tus fans y a mis lectores?
Rodolfo: Les mando un beso muy grande para todos tus lectores y ha sido un verdadero placer de verdad …
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Luis Fonsi Interview 4
Luis Fonsi: Um…my dad.
Chrissy: Why?
Luis Fonsi: ‘Cause he’s my dad. Because he was good in sports---he played in like every single sport. Parents are usually their kids hero’s, ya know.
Chrissy: Can you tell us about the new album?
Luis Fonsi: It’s my 5th album. I co-produced it and I wrote most of it. It’s a little bit more personal. But it’s still the same vibe and same style I’ve done in the past.
Chrissy: Do you know what’s going to be the 2nd single off of the album?
Luis Fonsi: We don’t know yet.
Chrissy: Do you want an upbeat one?
Luis Fonsi: I kinda do. There’s a song called “Por Una Mujer,” which a lot of people like. We don’t really know, we’re kinda just starting out now, so we haven’t really thought that far into the project yet.
Chrissy: It’s just me over thinking. When do you plan on touring?
Luis Fonsi: Late November probably. In late November we’re going to start a small US tour. Then in mid-January we’re going to start the international leg of the tour. Probably till mid-2006.
Chrissy: Are you doing to participate in any radio festivals?
Luis Fonsi: Everything!!! We’re going to be doing it all! I’ve already done like a million, and we still have a long way to go!
Chrissy: Do you get homesick or do you like being on the road?
Luis Fonsi: You know, of course I get homesick, but I mean I enjoy being on the road. But, there comes a time when you just wanna go home, and sleep in my own bed and drive my car. Kinda just like staying home all day and watching movies. But, I gotta admit I like traveling and meeting new people. Just growing and growing in different markets, so it’s kinda like an in between thing.
Chrissy: If you could ask an astrologer anything about your future, what would you want to know?
Luis Fonsi: Um…probably if I’m gonna have kids or how many, ya know.
Chrissy: What are their names; boy or a girl…
Luis Fonsi: Yeah, what sex are they going to be. Family oriented stuff, probably.
Chrissy: If you could be “King of the World” for one day, what would you do?
Luis Fonsi: I would take a big yacht and travel and visit every single, beautiful beach in the world, for like two years. I’d take two years off and just get like a big 300 ft yacht and put all my family and friends there and just party forever! That’s not bad, right, no?!
Chrissy: Nah…haha Okay, can you leave a message for the fans?
Luis Fonsi: Hello! Buy my album, it’s called “Paso a Paso.” Out on stores, and nothing. That’s it! Hola! Thank you!
Luis Fonsi Interview 3
We caught up with Fonsi backstage before and after his set of songs, which consisted of both new and old hits, such as "Quien Te Dijo Eso," "Imaginame Sin Ti," and "Abrazar La Vida." Check out what he had to say.
Chrissy: So, how did the tour go?
Fonsi: The tour went well! The tour is still going on actually. We did, like, a month of touring, basically, and now it starts back up on the 28th. We're going to do Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, and a whole bunch of other countries. But, it's going to be fun!
Chrissy: Ay, Fonsi, I'm so embarrassed to ask you, 'cause I've never asked you or anyone, a personal question, but here it goes! How is your relationship with Adamari going?
Fonsi: It's all good! It's going very well, very steady, very healthy. It's super cool! She's working, doing her "soap" down inMexico, that's where she's living at. I'm basically all over the place, so we don't see eachother as much as a normal couple would, but it's cool. You know, we're handling it pretty well.
Chrissy: Well, you two look so cute together!
Fonsi: Thank you!!! :-)
After the performance:
Chrissy: So, how do you think the performance went?
Fonsi: Good, great!!!
Chrissy: Do you want to come back to perfrom in LA again, soon?
Fonsi: Come on! Are you kidding?! Of course I do!!!
Chrissy: Yeah, I know you do. And you want to come and see us!
Fonsi: Yes! I gotta come to take 48 more pictures with your sister!
(It's a joke between Fonsi and my sister, who's the photographer.)
Chrissy: Okay, Fonsi, I know that you have to leave, but give me a message for your fans.
Fonsi: Tell them that I love them, that I'm really happy that they are supporting me this way. Also, that I can't wait to come back to LA and do my own show!!!
Luis Fonsi Interview 2
Fonsi: What brings me to LA?! I came here to visit "Chrissy Online..."
Chrissy: (Giving an "Alrighty then look." lol)
Fonsi: Nah...I'm just kidding ya...I'm here to promote my second single off of the new album, "Abrazar La Vida." I'm just here for a quick little stop...hmm...what am I doing? I just did a couple of tv shows and the press junket and then tomorrow I leave and then I go to Texas to do a couple of things.
Chrissy: Is the album doing well?
Fonsi: Extremely well! It's doing really good! We're starting to work this second single. "Quien Te Dijo Eso," went to the top of the "Abrazar La Vida," is on the top ten, so I can't complain.
Chrissy: Besides the concerts in Puerto Rico, are you going to have any concerts here in the states?
Fonsi: Yes, towards the end of the tour. Basically what the tour does is go from the Caribbean, which is Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic, then I start doing South America, starting with Venezuela, then I do Chile, then Argentina, then Colombia. I do a little bit of Central far it's Panama and Costa Rica, then I go to Spain, do a few shows over there. Then I go to Mexico and do a few shows there. Finally at the end of the tour for sure I do Miami, Orlando, and New York, and I'm pretty positive I'm coming here, to LA.
Chrissy: A lot of people want to see you here! Including me! :-)
Fonsi: I would LOVE to come here, yeah, we are working on it. I mean that's going to be towards the end of the year, so right now, we don't have a set date.
Chrissy: I heard that you're working with Yahir. Does that mean you're going to be producing his album or just contributing songs?
Fonsi: No, I was going to write some songs for his album but he's doing all covers for this for now I don't think he'll be recording those songs.
I am working with a lot of different artists, as producer and/or just song writer, right now. I unfortunately don't have enough time though. I'd love to do those things because I love to work with people, but I'm kinda working on my tour, which is actually the reason why I'm here and that's kind of the priority. Ya know of course, I'd love to, but yeah, when it slows down for a little bit, which I don't think it will for a while, I will. When I do have some time at home in Miami, then I'm going to be doing a little bit more of the producing side.
Chrissy: It's been two years since your English album came out. Do you plan on releasing another one?
Fonsi: I'm not sure, right now, to be quite honest. I'll never close that door, I'll never drop that option. I think eventually, yes, but it's not something that I'm thinking about right now. It's the market...the anglo market right now is in a weird sound. Pop kind of disappeared and it's mostly either hip hop or rock, so, I don't know what I could offer the listerners. I'm not a "hip hopper" and I'm not a "rocker" either...I'm more in the little it of the "happy median" and until I can feel 100% totally sure that what I'm going to do is going to satisfy what I am as an artist and what the needs of the audience are, then I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing in the Latin market. There's a lot of room to grow in the Latin market, so I'm just gonna spend my time doing these amazing tours that I'm doing now in Latin America and then kinda leave that to the side for the near future. When I say the near future it could be a year, it could be 2 years, it could be 3 years, so I'm just trying not to et ahead of myself, I'm kind of taking it little by little, working on my new album. It's doing amazingly, incredibly well and that's jus where I'm at right now. Ya know I don't know in like 6 months, 7, 8 months I'll start thinking if I want to do an English album or whether I want to do another Spanish album and then an English album...
Chrissy: Are you going to be performing at any radio festivals?
Fonsi: I'm going to do some stuff with KLVE. Right now my schedule is crazzzy because of the tour. After I finish this little promo tour I go to Puerto Rico just to start putting the tour together, and learning all the new coreography and stuff. So I'm going to be pretty busy untill like July. The tour starts May basically until then I'm going to be in and out of rehearsals...doing a couple of events. During that time I'm pretty much going to do shows.
Chrissy: Do you find your song writing ability stronger in Spanish than in English?
Fonsi: Ya know, not really. I've done more Spanish writing than English so in that sense I'm a little bit more used to it. It might be a little bit easier but I feel pretty comfortable in both languages. Expressing myself in both know it's all about the music and the melody; it doesn't have a language, so it's about how you write the lyrics in what language you write them in. To be quite honest, I feel totally fine doing both, it's just that, obviously, right now I'm more involved in the Latin market so that's why I'm sticking to it.
Chrissy: How old were you when you started song writing?
Fonsi: My first song...I mean I did some little side projects and little jingles and songs and personal things...I started when I was in college...So I was probably like 18 or something like that, 17 or 18. My first serious song I wrote when I was 18...I wrote "Mi Sueno." I think when I really got to it, it was when I turned 21 or 22. Really during these last four years. I turn 26 the day after tomorrow. These last few years have been very productive, very fluid, as far as writing.
Chrissy: You're a pretty good actor in your videos. Do you plan on getting into acting?
Fonsi: Yeah, ya know, it's in the future. I think...I hope!
Chrissy: Would you want to do American stuff or would you want to do novelas?
Fonsi: Ya know, whatever comes. There are no plans, there is no set thing happening. It's just that being in front of a camera is something that I sometimes have to do when I interpret a song. So, I feel pretty comfortable doing it. I don't have as much experience as I do with music, but yeah, I think it's in the plans. I'd love to do film...who knows...something that I really want to do is musical theater. Something that really turns me on, that I'd love to do is a Broadway show. Not right now, not tomorrow, not this year, I'm talking about in the long run. It is definately there, maybe in a couple of years I'll do a project.
Chrissy: What is your biggest fear?
Fonsi: I try to not have a big fear.
Chrissy: Are you afraid of flying? A lot of people I talk to are.
Fonsi: No! I'm a skydiver, so no...that would be really wierd!
Chrissy: Duhh...I'm such a dork! I forgot! :-)
Fonsi: I don't have a huge fear, I don't have anything that really freaks me out.
Chrissy: You're a pretty calm person?
Fonsi: Yeah, I'm pretty calm, ya know, pretty human is the best way to explain it. I mean I have my things! If I were to see a rat here, I'd probably jump just like you would, it's not like I'd stay and pet it...but I don't have like...I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm not afraid of heights. I'm not afraid of close spaces. I really don't have anything that I can mention, really.
Chrissy: What is the thing that makes you the happiest?
Fonsi: Just my friends, my family. Feeling the response of the audience. When I go to a country and I have a really good tour...a really good show, a good interview, you just feel the positive vibe from the people. That just makes me really happy! The ocean! I love the water, so that calms me down a little bit. Just love in general, whether it's feeling love by a friend or whatever. I think that obviously for anybody that is always soothing.
Chrissy: Which childhood memories stand out the most in your mind?
Fonsi: Just hanging out with my friends, with my cousins, just singing in every corner of the house. Just getting together with my whole family; I have a big family. Just immitating Menudo...that's for us older folk... Menudo was like Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC....WAYYYY bigger than BSB and *NSYNC put together! They were like the "true" boyband. When I was 7, like in 19-whatever...nah...I'm not that old...back in 1985...
Chrissy: Your not that old! We aren't that many years apart!
Fonsi: Okay...when we were young...Menudo was a huge group in Puerto Rico and in alot of Latin American countries and I used to immitate them and stuff. I have old tape of me when I was 4 or 5 standing in front of a mirror doing the little cheesy dances and that was always a great memory! My childhood was full of great memories in general. Just a lot of great things, always surrounded by my family and music.
Chrissy: If you could change places with anybody dead or alive who would it be and why?
Fonsi: I would try not to. I'm pretty content with myself. I wouldn't mind being Brad Pitt for a couple of days to hangout with Jennifer Aniston...nah... ya know, I know I don't have it all. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not the most talented singer, the best looking guy, but I don't want to be. I'm happy with what God gave me and the things I can do and the things that I'm good at. That's just who I want to be. If I can better myself then good. I'm not perfect, but then again nobody is. So, who knows, you might say somebody but then you don't really know that person so, you don't know what that person has been through, so maybe it's not as good as you think it's going to be. To be quite honest, I wouldn't change anything about myself. I'd like to be born the same guy, as dorky as I am, as clumsy as I am, and there's a couple of good things about me, there's a couple of bad things, just like any human. I'd just like to be the same old Luis Fonsi!
Chrissy: Fonsi, thanks so much for all of your time! Could you send a message to all of your fans?!
Fonsi: Tell them that I love 'em; that they are the reason why I'm here. They are the reason why I get to live out my dream; that I get to express myself through music and that I get to have fun with what I do.
Luis Fonsi Interview 1
Luis Fonsi: Absolutely! Absolutely, I'm already writing. I already have some songs on hold for very, very recognized Latin artists.
Christina: Like who?
Luis Fonsi: I can't say yet. I can't say yet 'cause it hasn't happened yet. But as a matter of fact every day I actually get a call from a lot of people
saying, "Hey, I would love to work with you," "I love your new stuff," "I love your direction and I want you to be a part of my album," so definately, especially this year I'm gonna be working with a lot of
different people and producing as well.
Christina: What can fans expect from your English album coming out this summer?
Luis Fonsi: You know, It's just a fun album! It's just myself! I never like to put kind of labels and say "hey it's like this, it's like that." It's just fun! It's got a mixture of kinda fun pop songs with a little different vibes. Some have a little bit more of an urban feel, a little hip hop feel, a little bit of a
Latin feel. But it's feel good music! Music that you can dance to!
Christina: Do you plan on touring, like promoting the new album and stuff?
Luis Fonsi: As a matter of fact, yes! Yeah, the album comes out in July. I'm probably going to go out on the road, you know, just promoting, doing
a lot of radio shows, doing a lot of touring. My big tour starts in October in different countries, my big Latin tour. I'm going to go all through Latin America, so you know, just having fun!
Christina: So do you plan on collaborating with *NSYNC or joining on as their opening act in an up-coming tour?
Luis Fonsi: The guys from *NSYNC are my buddies, especially Joey. I grew up
with Joey, he's known me since I was 10. He's one of my best friends, he knows me very well. As a matter of fact, I already quote on quote "collaborated" with him because he was the co-director of my video. Which is the funniest ting to watch, your buddy kinda telling you what to do! I'm like, "Shut up!" You know, like old friends,
but Joey's always been really inclined into doing directing. He's getting into it, and I think he's got a lot of future in that perspective. It's fun, he did a little cameo, we just had fun! I mean the video shoot was so much fun! We were down in Miami, which is my hometown, and ya know, as far as music, you never know. We have nothing
planned, but you never know. Those guys, I've kinda seen them grow up. I remember when they were doing gigs and nobody knew
who they were, and now their one of the biggest acts in the world. They're really talented fellas! They're really nice kids, so hopefully we'll get to share the stage.
Christina: If you weren't a musician, where would you see yourself today?
Luis Fonsi: If I wasn't a musician? Ahh man it's tough, it really is tough! If I wasn't singing, I would be producing, kinda like behind-the-scenes. But if
you take me out of music, totally, I would probably be in the business side of music, working for a label, working as management. I don't know. I can't be too far away from music. It's just, my life has always been centered around music.
Christina: You've become a role model for many young Latinos, but who was your role model growing up?
Luis Fonsi: My parents. My parents and different artists. Back then it was Menudo. They were my big role models. Then I was a big fan of
Michael Jackson. I was a big huge fan, I don't know if he was a role model, but he was my favorite artist back when "Bad" and "Thriller," came out. I listened to a lot of Latin artists like Luis Miguel and
Ricardo Montaner, and a lot of "balladeers" who always sang about love and just kinda poured their hearts out in a song and I always liked that. A little bit of everything, but my parents as far as role
models, my parents, 'cause they were guiding me through the way.
Christina: What does family mean to you?
Luis Fonsi: I'm a very family oriented person. Like I said, my parents have been present in every decision, in everything. I always call them, we're
friends. My brother and my sister, we're really close, everyone, cousins, it's very "Latin," in that way. Like my dancers, 2 of my dancers are my cousins, 1 of my background vocals is my cousin.
Their not there because their family members, their there because their really talented guys. Their extremely talented and there's nothing better than having people who are related to you, who know
you, your family. Their constantly with me so, it's really kind of refreshing.
Christina: What keeps you down-to-earth? Your family obviously, or...?
Luis Fonsi: Just everybody around me. I think when you love what you do and when you have fun doing it, you kind of stay the same person, and you don't become anybody else. Like I said, I have a very good way of looking at things and I just love what I do! I love my job, I love singing, I love traveling! I don't see why I have to change the way I
have to treat people and why I have to be "stuck up," all, ya know, like I'll never be a "diva!" I'm just "Fonsi!" I'm just regular old Luis Fonsi. I'm a kid! I'm a big kid inside!
Christina: What kind of person would you give your heart to?
Luis Fonsi: Somebody who would give their heart back to me, somebody who would just be, you know, literally, love is supposed to be a 2 way
thing. You feel love; you love when you feel love, and there's some"magic." They always talk about that "magic," when you love some-body your supposed to feel that "magic," your supposed to feel that little "twinkling," "connection," the "vibe." I believe in "destiny," and I believe that there's somebody out there for you, so I'm not in a hurry.
I'm single, and I'm looking, and I'm young! I'm not in a hurry to be in a relationship.
Christina: What's the nicest thing a fan has given or done for you?
Luis Fonsi: Ahh man, fans have done some crazy stuff, nice things.
Christina: Fans are crazy; some of them!
Luis Fonsi: No, no not really! I don't see them as crazy, I think there are some loving fans out there! One of them painted this huge drawing for me
with like different things and different meanings, written poems, written songs, given me presents, more than the materialistic part of the present, but the meaning of that present because they done some research and they know that I liked this. They go out of the way to study you. They go to every interview, they'll be there waiting for you
the next morning at 4 o'clock in the morning, you know, they don't get any sleep, they skip school, and mean while, I'm way tired and they
went to bed later and woke up earlier than me and their just there to catch a glimpse at you; just to take one more picture. So that really to
me, that is not annoying, that is really refreshing that their doing this for you, it's an honor! So, I respect fans and I try to be their friend and
I try to get them to know me as a person and connect with them through my web page and things here and there.
Christina: What does success mean to you?
Luis Fonsi: To me success is when your happy with yourself. When you've worked hard to go somewhere, to get some place, and you get
there, and your happy with yourself and content with everything that has happened along the way. I feel successful because my dream since I was 7, since I was 6, was to sing, was to record an
album. And I got to do that, not only did I get to do that, but I got to grow bigger. I got to release 3 hit Spanish albums, and now I'm
about to release my 1st English album. I've got to have fun along the way, so to me that is being successful. I mean I wake up every
morning with a smile on my face, saying, "you know what, I did it man." All the hard work, all the studying. I went to college. I got my music degree, it was day in and day out.
Christina: Did you get an AA or BA?
Luis Fonsi: I got my Vocal Performance degree, my BA at Florida State University and I graduated, and it wasn't easy. Reading Mozart and Bach, and analyzing the chord structure of this and that, it was
tough. People were like why are you studying classical music if you want to be out on stage, jumping and dancing. I said, "You know what, the more prepared I get, the better." So that's why I did it, so it's worth it. Now that I get to be doing this, now that I get to be on stage and traveling the world and meeting the president and meeting the
Pope. Stuff like that doesn't happen everyday.
David Bisbal
David: Since I was a very little boy I knew that music is what I felt in me. For reals, I've always lived like that. I'd sing in front of a mirror using a pen as a microphone. As I grew up, music has just continued to form part of my life.
Chrissy: Tell us a little about the show, "Operaccion Truinfo." Is it like our "American Idol" or Mexico's "La Academia?"
David: Yes, basically they are the same, except for our private lives were never shown, only the evolution of the kids and everyday work. It's the same format; a television show that gives kids a chance to follow their dreams to be an actor or singer. In this case, in Spain, it was only musically based.
Chrissy: Did a lot of singers come out of the show as triumphant as you?
David: Yes. I think that personal triumph is in everyone of us, because for us to have the chance to realize our dreams and enjoy our work is triumph.
Chrissy: With which artists would you like to perform a duet with?
David: I'd love to sing with Chayanne. Well, I'd love to sing with artists who are already well-established. I'd like to sing with Armando Manzanero as well.
Chrissy: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
David: I have one brother and one sister.
Chrissy: Do they sing too?
David: No, they don't sing.
Chrissy: How does it feel to be nominated for a Premio Tu Musica in Puerto Rico with artists such as Daniel Rene, Tiziano Fierro, and Julio Jr.?
David: I'm extremely happy. I have to send a huge kiss to Puerto Rico, of my heart, which I love so much. I can't wait to return and I'm really happy because I will be there soon with all of the press, whom are my friends and all of the beautiful people there.
Chrissy: Are you recording an album right now?
David: No, not yet, I'm auditioning songs right now, because I'm preparing to record soon.
Chrissy: You have 3 singles now, right?
David: Yes, I have 3 singles, the latest one is "Llorare Las Penas." I'm really happy because it's on the top of the Billboard Charts.
Chrissy: If you could be the king of the world for one day, what would you do?
David: The king of the world?! The king of the world, me?!!! Uyyyyy, I don't know! I think I'd probably donate food to people.
Chrissy: In the video for "Llorare Las Penas," the girl in the video is Penelope Cruz's sister, right?
David: Yes, Monica Cruz.
Chrissy: How was it like to record the video with her?
David: It was awesome. She's such an extraordinary person; a hardworker. I liked her a lot because she was such a perfectionist. If she didn't think she did good, she'd have to repeat it, even if we all considered her work to be perfect.
Chrissy: Would you like to sing in English some day?
David: It would be good. I'd have to learn and feel the language. Little by little, I'd learn the language and yes, I would, because English is very universal.
Chrissy: How does it feel to have recieved so much recognition from an international public in such a short period of time?
David: It feels really good! I feel very previeleged in a way. People are actually helping me, and thanks to them I am achieving all of this. People of the press, fan clubs, and my record label. All I have to give in return is my heart and music.
Chrissy: Will you return to Los Angeles?
David: Back to Los Angeles, hmmm.... I don't know. I really hope so though!!!
Chrissy: When your new album comes out, are you going to promote it in the U.S.?
David: Yes, of course. When the album comes out in January 2004, it will come out in all countries!
Chrissy: Your working with Kiki Santander now, right? How is it to work with such a very talent man?
David: Yes, I am. He's phenominal! When I'm recording with him, we are like family. I consider him like a brother. I'm really grateful for all of his advice and I hope our friendship will last a long time.
Chrissy: Do you write your own songs?
David: Some of them. I've been carrying a tape recorder, like that one, with me. It's beautiful to share your feelings. But, I also like to interpret songs as well.
Chrissy: Would you like to become an actor in the future?
David: No, I wouldn't because I'd feel like I'm stealing work from someone. If I would do it, it would have to involve music, but I'd never take anyones' job.
Chrissy: How old are you?
David: I turned 24 on June 5th.
Chrissy: Do you have a girlfriend? I have to ask because all the girls are probably going to ask me this!
David: Yes, I do have one. Almost everyone knows already!!
Chrissy: What else would you like to share regarding your career?
David: Well, first of all, I'm very happy! Day after day wonderful things are happening to me and in turn encourage me to keep on working. I'm still promoting this first album and promoting it in as many cities as possible. But, with this second album, I'm going to work even harder because I'm working with a champion (Kiki Santander). I'm going to go everywhere and see all of the caring people supporting my music, all the press, and above all, always thinking about this little slice of support I have here in Los Angeles. (Sealed with a cute wink!)
Chrissy: Could you give a message to the fans?
David: Yes, of course!! I want to send all of you an extremely huge kiss and a huge hug with all of my heart!!! I will always take you in my heart!! Lots of kisses! Muah...muah....muah....muah............... (Kissing the microphone part of the tape recorder! lol What a sweet heart!!)
Innis Interview 1
Christina: First of all, what is your complete name?
Innis: Innis Casey Dumm
Christina: Where is your current residencey?
Innis: Mexico City, LA, Miami, mostly in Mexico.
Christina: Your favorite city?
Innis: LA... LA...LA... I am born and rasied here.
Christina: And, your favorite foods?
Innis: My moms meatballs, there the best, I defintely like obviously the Mexican food, I love Mexican food, Pozole is my favorite plate of all of them.
Christina: What nationality are you?
Innis: I have Italian roots, but I mean, I'm from here, my moms Italian, and my dad has, he's got a mix of things from Europe, like English, Irish, and German, so... a well mix. (Changing page.. "Can you flip the page for me, Christina's very nice, she's helping me out. Okay.")
Christina: When was the first time you decided you wanted to be in "show business?"
Innis: I think living here in Hollywood my whole here my whole life, I've always loved the movies, I've loved theater, it's like kinda a part of, right here next to Hollywood and everything. I never decided that I wanted to be in it, but it's something I think that was in my blood. Ya know? I've always loved it, I did some theater and stuff in high school, which was for fun, but decided that I actually wanted to dedicate myself to music and sing in Spanish living in Mexico, about, almost 3 years ago in Cuernavaca and that's where everything started, that's where I fell in love with everything, and discovered my passion for music.
Christina: What did it feel like the first time you heard your song on the radio?
Innis: You know, it's funny! I was on the street, la calle Reforma en Mexico, and I was actually right in front of the National Auditorium (El Auditorio Nacional), when I heard my song on the radio, and I cried 'cause I worked so hard, so it was an emotional moment. I was like, "I can't believe it?!" "Alli esta el nuevo chavo de Mexico, no de Mexico, pero, aqui vive en Mexico, su sencillo, "Dime Donde, Dime Cuando," aqui esta para ustedes, Innis!" They said my name and it was like "wow!," I can't believe it's on the radio (laughing), so with all that work, it was finally on the radio.
Christina: Do you get homesick or do you like being on the road?
Innis: I like being on the road, but of course I get homesick. My family and I, we're close. I miss my bed, I miss my dogs, I miss, like my house, it's a great home! I've lived there my whole life, so I miss it but opportunities like this to be working in LA, in California, I get to stay at my house, so, but I love being on the road, I love living in Mexico, I love living in other places and learning about other cultures as well, ya know?
Christina: What is the hardest part about being famous?
Innis: The hardest part about being famous?! (Pause) I don't know, I'm not that famous! (laughing) Um, you know, I love it! That's for sure! I think when, like you guys are here right now, it motivates me 'cause I just wanna be better, I wanna speak better Spanish, I wanna sing better for you guys, because you are like why I'm here you know and that's really cool. So being, I don't know, I always hear you lose your probably do, to some extent, but I knew it was something that comes with this career. That this choice to work in the business, so, but this is what I wanna do, and I think that you just have to learn to manage it.
Christina: What have you been up to lately?
Innis: Work! Lotta work, I've been traveling a lot. I've been going to radio stations, lots of interviews, lots of tv shows, so that's what I've been up to lately and also, I've been pigging out too! After we had Thanksgiving at my house, my mom cooked up a storm, so I'm surprised that I'm just not like... I love food! Eating, lots of eating!
Christina: What do you think about the "boy bands?"
Innis: I think it's great. I think that every artist whether group or solo artist has something special to offer to people and, I think it's great. Their singing and their having a great time, and their sharing their music with the world, you know, and that's what I wanna do. I just wanna be able to share my music with everyody and make it a part of their lives.
Christina: Which magazine is your favorite?
Innis: Yours! But it's on the internet! Eres, it's a great magazine, they helped me out a lot. I like Maxium, okay, Wallpapers is another good one.
Christina: I know a ton of girls are going to be asking me this! Are you single, or do you have a girlfriend?
Innis: You know, I had a girlfriend a few weeks ago, (pause) but not anymore! (laughing)
Christina: Do you have any college degrees?
Innis: Yes, I graduated in communications at San Diego State University.
Christina: To conclude this interview, what is your message to your fans?
Innis: Um, keep just going, decide what you want, and go for it. I think that everything is possible in this life, you just have to wanna do it, you have to want it. So don't ever be afraid to chase your dreams, everything is possible, and just do, and be yourself doing it! That's the most important thing. I think in anything you have to be yourself doing anything you do in your life, you know. Be yourself, people are gonna see that and go, "Wow, this guy, person is really cool. This guy, this girls really cool."
Myriam Montemayor
Myriam: Well, I'm very happy and very grateful with everyone, here in Los Angeles and all of the Latino people who always greet us with open arms and so much kindness.
Chrissy: How does Myriam define triumph?
Myriam: I believe that triumph is work, consistancy, and strength.
Chrissy: What type of guy does Myriam like?
Myriam: Eh...(giggling)... He has to be honest, cute, and caring.
Chrissy: Do you have any celebrity crushes?
Myriam: Yes! Pedro Infante! (A very famous Mexican singer/actor.) I also like American actors, like that one guy that stars in "Crazy For Mary."
Chrissy: If you could sing with any singer, dead or alive, who would it be?
Myriam: I'd love to sing with Pedro Infante, because I admire him so much. I also admire Madonna.
Chrissy: What do you most like about fame?
Myriam: I like that you can give the people the best of your talent.
Chrissy: And what do you most dislike about fame?
Myriam: I least like when people tell lies about you.
Chrissy: Are you working on a new album?
Myriam: Yes, I am preparing my second album. We are looking at different songs. I think that the album will come out in April or May of 2004.
Chrissy: Are you working on any other projects?
Myriam: I'm preparing for my first concert on February 28th, in Monterrey, Mexico.
Chrissy: Will you be coming to Los Angeles on your tour?
Myriam: Of course I will!
Chrissy: Would you consider acting in a novela, like Yahir, Raul, and Victor have?
Myriam: Yes, I would like to in the future, if the opportunity arises. I'd like to learn other things, like acting, just as long as I don't let my singing career sit on the side.
Chrissy: Would you consider doing the "crossover" into the American market?
Myriam: Yes, that would be great!
Chrissy: You have a song in English on your first album, don't you?
Myriam: Yes, "The Rose." That's the song I performed on the Gran Final of the 1st Generation of La Academia.
Chrissy: Will your second album have a song in English?
Myriam: I don't know, yet, since we are just trying out different songs. But, I'd really like to have an English song. I don't speak English, but I'd like to take classes and prepare myself, and for sure later on I'd release songs in English.
Chrissy: Myriam, thanks so much for your time! Would you like to give a message to your fans?
Myriam: I want to tell them that I love them very much and that I thank them for all of their support and kindess that they've always given me.
Chrissy: Would you like to say anything else?!
Myriam: Yes! I hope that they enjoy my new album, my second album, that I'm preparing right now. I'm preparing it with kindness for all of my fans and that I hope to be here in Los Angeles, soon with my concert tour!
Raul Sandoval
Raul: Uyyy...well I'm completely greatful! I feel really greatful, especially because I feel surrounded by their love and support. To me, that is a beautiful feeling.
Chrissy: How do you define triumph?
Raul: Triumph is simply when people declare your work as a hit and that they like it and support you.
Chrissy: What type of girl does Raul like?
Raul: All of them! I don't have a special type!
Chrissy: If you could sing with anyone, who would it be?
Raul: I'd love to sing with "my compadre," (Victor Garcia; his best friend) obviously. But I'd also like to sing with Vicente Fernandez.
Chrissy: What do you love most about fame?
Raul: The thing I love most is that people lend you a helping hand and give you love and support.
Chrissy: What do you most dislike about fame?
Raul: I most dislike that I am hardly with my family.
Chrissy: Are you working on your second album?
Raul: We are going to begin working on it already. It should be out by mid-2004.
Chrissy: Will you be back in LA?
Raul: I think so! If God permits, I will!
Chrissy: Thanks for your time! I'm sure the fans would love a message from you!
Raul: Thank you so much for your support! A big kiss to everyone! Thanks for everything because I am here because of and for you!
Julio Iglesias Jr.
Julio: I think so! First of all this record is in Spanish, it's totally different from my first record. I feel like it's more "me." It's definitely more my style of music. And I really like this type of music I'm doing now. I think it's very "my style." There are several reasons why I'm happy with this record, ya know, 'cause it really shows the style of music I listen to and the one that I love to do.
Chrissy: Do you plan on singing Rock in English?
Julio: Do I plan on singing Rock in English? Hmmm... yeah, maybe later on, I'd love to.
Chrissy: Do you think that success is addictive?
Julio: Success is definately addictive.
Chrissy: So are you addicted to it?
Julio: Well, when I get it I will tell you!
Chrissy: This time that you've been on a promotional tour, what's the craziest thing a fan has done?
Julio: Eh, there hasn't been anything crazy.
Chrissy: No?!
Julio: No, no not all. Not really.
Chrissy: What's the nicest thing a fan has ever done for you?
Julio: What you're doing! Anything nice you've
ever done!
Chrissy: Would you sing with Enrique?
Julio: Yeah, I would love to. I'd love to!
Chrissy: Has he mentioned anything that he would want to?
Julio: We want to do something later on in the future. I think it'd be a lot of fun!
Chrissy: Is there one singer you want to do a duet with?
Julio: Nah. Whenever someone wants to do a duet with me they can call me and we can do it together. I'd be very glad to do something.
Chrissy: When are you going to be back in LA?
Julio: Back in LA?! Very soon! We're gonna be coming back to LA often.
Chrissy: What's the best part about singing again?
Julio: The best part about singing again is that this time I did a record completely my style.I'm very happy with it. I'm very happy with my new record company, Warner Music. I'm happy with the opprotunity to do what I love, which is music.
Chrissy: Do you plan on going on tour anytime soon?
Julio: We want to do a tour. Maybe even here in California.
Chrissy: I was thinking since you sing a different style of music now, it would lend itself for a club tour! Would you think about doing that?
Julio: Yeah, it would be more of a club tour, definately.
Chrissy: Ok, here's the question every girl wants to know! Do you have a girlfriend?
Julio: No girlfriend, right now. We just broke up not too long ago.
Chrissy: What type of girl do you look for, or what qualities should she have?
Julio: A good person! She's got to be a good person. She's got to be good looking, she's gotta be cute, like I have to be attracted to her completely!
Chrissy: Ok, would you like to give a message for your fans?
Julio: Of course! I want to say thank you for the support. I'm very happy. Happy with this record and I hope they like it! And thank you for all the support and help they give me.
REIK Interview 1
Julio: The name of the group has to do with the act of strumming the guitar strings. We took the name from the English word, "rake," which is a guitar strumming technique. Since guitars are the base of our music, we liked the name and decided to keep it that way.
Chrissy: Tell us, how did your hit single, "Yo Quisera," earn fame via the internet?
Jesus: Well, we uploaded our music to several websites where people can download music from, and from there on things just kept on moving. First our friends began downloading our music, and so on, and the people liked our music. That's when our record label took interest in us and then they signed us.
Chrissy: All the girls want to know, do you have girlfriends at the moment?
Julio: Now...umm..
Bibi: No, not now. We are single and are cruising free through life, right now.
Jesus: We are like three little fishes in the sea!
Bibi: Yup, three little fishes in the sea!
Chrissy: Wasn't one of you dating Patty from the duo, Lu?
Julio: I was, but I just broke up with her. just asked me a horrible question (saying w/ a cute smirk on his face) you know what?! I don't want to know anything else. (saying it in a cute tone w/ the same smirk.)
Chrissy: Would you guys like to sing with Yahir or write a song for him?
Jesus: Yes, of course we would! Why not?! Yahir is a very talented singer and I also believe that he is a great interpreter. It definately would be great to work with him. Not only is he our neighbor from the north of Mexico, he's also a nice person.
Julio: Why did you just ask that question?! (smirky again)
Chrissy: Because a fan of Yahir, who is also your fan, asked me ask that question.
Julio: Ahhh, ahhh okay.
Chrissy: What type of girl do the guys of REIK like?
Julio: What type of girl...hmm?
Jesus: What type of girl....hmm....
Bibi: All sorts! Well, I don't know what to say, I like a variety of types of girls, not just one type. I like girls from Los Angeles and Mexico, I like all sorts!
Jesus: I really don't have a prototype. I think that as long as the the girl is cute, independent, and intelligent...that's all that's requireed.
Julio: The same for me. As long as she adorable, honest, and has the emotional qualities that I'm looking for.
Chrissy: Could you give a message to your fans and readers?
Jesus: A huge hello to everyone!
Julio & Jesus: A huge kiss!
Bibi: Take care!
Lance Bass and Emmanuelle Chriqui Part 2
What would you guys say to teens who are terrified about the world situation today? And do you guys have any personal experiences with New York. I hope not.
Lance: I've lost people. It's a difficult days right now, it's sad to say that it took something like this to bring everyone together, 'cause I think the world is as close as it's ever been right now, and it's a beautiful thing. I think as entertainers, it's up to us to shine a little happiness as much as we can and that's why I love this movie coming out the time it is, because it makes you escape for an hour and a half everything that's going on. Make you feel good, and same thing with the music. Were continually doing music and doing concerts, and basically I mean what I would say to kids right now is talk about it, you know. I mean really get to know what is going on, and to go on with life, just like President Bush said, we all have to go on 'cause that's whats gonna make us strong is that we can continue to go and still you know watch out for ourselves, but you know as a closer unit we're gonna go on and make a better future.
Question: You feel the same way? (Directed to Emmanuelle.)
Emmanuelle: Absolutely! I think just to add what to Lance said, it's also really important to educate ourselves, like to take this as an eye opening experiences, and that we cannot live like this anymore. America's been just, you know, our generation has just been so innocent to all this stuff so it's like now that all this has been shown to us, we have a responsability to educate ourselves and to be aware of the things that are going on, and to, yet to move on with our lives, but to not forget it, not pretend it's not happening, deal with it and then you know as entertainersas Lance said, is that we have a major responsibility, I think because if you look back in History, the arts are what carried a nation through. Hopefully in a lot of ways it can change the facefilm you know, for less violence in films, for less you know brutal thing to watch, and more things from the heart and dealing with people and communication 'cause that's got to be the message right now.
Question: So do you guys wanna talk about the final kiss scene?
Lance: I'll admit it we were going for MTV Best Kiss. I mean it was cool. It was strange when 1,000 people are sitting there, cheering and sming at you as your doing it, and turn your head this way, and you know when your doing it, in a way it feels un-natural 'cause your like "ok, I can't move my here." So, but your also in your character, so the passion is coming out. It was a great scene.
Emmanuelle: And the circumstance fed to the scene. You know I was standing up on the bridge, and I can see Lance running, like in character as "Kevin," is running up with that like, "Oh my God she showed up look," and the paparrazi, and the fans and people hooting and hollaring and you're really living that moment, so it's really a fantasy. I think wierdest part, in my experience, usually the kissing scene is like the 1st or 2nd day, you get it out of the way, you don't know the person, there's no history. It's really just technical. Lance and I, we hung out, we became such good friends and it was like, "Oh we gotta kiss now."
Lance: We were laughing through like half of it.
Emmanuelle: So much, it was really funny.
Question: So how many takes did that take?!
Lance: There were a lot of angles
Emmanuelle: A lot of "Binaca" and a lot of chapstick.
Lance: Yup. And you, (meaning Emmanuelle), had that glass or whatever on and it was so sticky. Every take I'm like, (Lance wipes his mouth with his arm. lol).
Question: So was there a lot of preperation time, before you started shooting , because you mentioned you hung out together.
Lance: There was. She was on the set, we didn't have many scenes together except towards the end of the movie, and we filmed most of that in Chicago, but ya know, searching for girl, "Kevin" and "Abbey," never saw eachother, except you know in Chicago and that was the last scenes we shot, so we got to hang out the whole time in Toronto for a month, just becoming really good friends.
Emmanuelle: Just handing out.
Lance: And so I mean there's definately chemisty when you see us on, like you know, "bam," were totally into eachother.
Question: Your from Canada right? (Directed to Emmanuelle.)
Emmanuelle: Yeah, that's where I'm from, Toronto.
Question So, what's next for you after this? (Directed to Emmanuelle.)
Emmanuelle: Well there's a couple of things in the works you know, just with the recent tragedies and then the strike that was pending earlier, the industy was really quite slow, but there's a couple of things in the works, I can't really say what yet, but there's let's see what happen
Question: Nothing in the can? (Directed to Emmanuelle.)
Emmanuelle: Nope, this is it.
Question: What about the next *NSYNC album Will you or Joey write some of the stuff, because you know, last time it was all JC and Justin, and Chris wrote the song on the soundtrack?
Lance: I write. I wrote 3 songs for the last album, that I didn't submit because I was too embarressed to submit them. I'm just not a good writer. I'm not and me and Joey we love writing the treatments for the videos, and we like writing treatments for movies. That type of stuff, that's just what we're good at, the other guys, I don't see how people write music, it's so hard, so we just put our harmonies on, and there we are. And we tour, so this gives us another creative output, to do this acting and everything. It really challenges us, like writing for the other guys, challenges them.
Question: Could you talk a little bit about your new video you have out now?
Lance: Actually, the idea, we came up with the idea in the tour, we do "Gone," and it's all silent film and we wanted to do a video all silent film , 'cause we're, we always want to do something different every video we do, and so that's where it came in. We're all silent film at a costume party, and that's where it starts off, you know it's like being crazy/stupid, the whole video was gonna be that way, but the record company was so dead set against doing a whole video silent film, that they wanted real time stuff, so we made it black and white, we kept it black and white, but Herb Ritz did it and he's amazing. Amazing photographer and director, and it's just a beautiful, beautiful video.
Question: Did you guys enjoy singing "Gone," in Spanish?
Lance: Yes!
Question: And who translated the song?
Lance: A friend of ours, Alfredo, translated it, he works for Gloria Estefan, and we've done several thing with her, so we're really close with their "camp" in Miami and every Spanish thing we always go to them, and they translate it.
Lance Bass and Emmanuelle Chriqui Part 1
Question: Did you always want to be an actor?
Lance: I always wanted to be an actor! I had a passion for acting before I did music. I had a passion for both, but I thought acting would come before music, but it didn't, music just kinda fell in my lap. I lived back in Mississippi where there's no opprotunity to do anything so, I just did theatre, that type of stuff.
Question: So do you have the same problem as Kevin did asking girls out when you were younger?
Lance: I don't know?! Not quite where he'd, I'd choke like Kevin does. I'm one of those people who didn't realize that the girl was like interested. I was always "the friend" you know " the oh he's so cute" " he's like my brother" ya know. So, I was always like the brother type figure you know with girls then; eventually you know I'd become friends, and you'd realize there's something there.
Question: So Emmanuelle you've done some t.v. work in Canada and everything, so you had more on camera work time than these guys. Did you give them some tips?
Emmanuelle: No, when we were on set, specifically Lance and I, and the director, we just really worked well together. We would rehearse you know before the day would shoot whatever scene and it was just important to us that, you know Lance and I would talk after every scene and just be like, "That felt good" right, or "Lets try it this way." Or just, but always just keeping it real. Just so that it felt real.
Question: Good experience for everyone?
Lance: Oh definately!
Question: Fun set?
Lance: Very fun set! and I learned a lot and I mean this is the first time I did it, so I learned a lot from everybody.
Question: And you got your own production company?
Lance: Right
Question: So do you have anything in the pipe line for you or others?
Lance: We do, not for me, I definately don't have anything planned for me, but i just definately just to produce. I have a couple of things we're working on. One's a Holcoust movie. Yeah it's a serious movie, that won't be for another few years. I mean it's gonna take a while to do. Another I think is called "Super Dudes" which is real fun, it's like Pokemon for adults. We're in the middle of selling it as a television show. It's a real thing going on right now in the internet that's like 6,000 super dudes, where you create your own super hero, you know, you put your face and you send it in and they create your own, and you fight eachother like Pokemon. Now we're trying to sell it to Disney or Fox Family, or something like that.
Question: Do you enjoy this side project as mush as you enjoy performing?
Lance: I do, I enjoy everything that I try to tackle. Or I wouldn't be doing it. I love entertainment, that is what I was born for. And I will try to attack anything that has anything to do with entertainment.
Question: So what do you like better, acting or performing?
Lance: It's different. It's totaly, totally different. When I'm on stage I love it, it's my life, music is more my life than acting is, it's my 1st priority. But um, also when I'm acting, it's amazing. I woke up in the mornings and late nights and I would enjoy going to work.
Question: So you enjoy doing both of them?
Lance: Exactly
Chrissy: Just like me
Lance: Ok! There ya go.
Question: What advice do you have for young teens trying to get into the music or acting scene?
Lance: I'd just, What I did, I mean it was a dream of mine, and you just believe in it so much that eventually, you took baby steps to where it came true, you know finding the right manager or finding the right opprotunities. Always going on different auditions just trying everything you can just to learn, because you go on these little bitty things and you do these knit-picky things that really make no sense at the time but it really
Chrissy: Pays off
Lance: Developes your character. Yeah, and you learn so much from it that you look two years back, and " you're like wow" I'm glad I did all that stuff.
Chrissy: You think that all those singing lessons aren't gonna help.
Lance: Exactly
Chrissy: and they do
Lance: It's true that true, that's very true.
Question: As far as future roles what kind of characters do you want to play next?
Lance: The next one I deffinately don't want it to be a personal character like this, he's a lttle too down for me, I think something I either want to do comedy or action. I think I'm leaning more towards action for the next one.
Lance: I've been taking Tae-bo
Questiion: How did you decide on this film, I imagine that there were a number of other offers? I remember there were announcements of other projects to do with the other 4, the Grease 3 thing, so how did you decide on this one.
Lance: This was perfect, we actually decided on this one for our first "Happy Place Project." I wasn't attached to it at all but it was cool because with our first film we wanted a good quality movie for everybody, every age, every race, and this was perfect because it was an "R" rated movie but we wanted to bring it down to a "PG" because "A Happy Place," and we wanted to utilize athletes and musicians in the movie, so when we were going to cast it, figured I had some time off, and I'd play this "Kevin" character, so it was developed. It was given to us, by some friends of us at Tapestry Films, It was a short film called, "On The L," and we loved it so much, so it was just the right thing.
Question: So it was started with just you, and Joey was brought in?
Lance: I called Joey. Joe and I have always wanted to do a movie together, for six years we've been writing little screen plays and that type of stuff and eventually we knew if we'd ever had time, we would do something. I called him I was like "you're gonna have the time lets do it." "You're playing this character "Rod," you can't say no, " so
Question: How did the cameo with Chris and Justin come up and where was JC?
Lance: JC was actually up in Toronto he was gonna be bartender, but the scene got cut, and we didn't have time to shoot it that day, so he was on the set but we never used him. I'm kinda glad 'cause I didn't want anyone else in this movie 'cause it would confuse people and make it look cheesey. But in credits it was perfect. We wanted to do something so funny. And that us, that's our humor right there, and it totally came out on this.
Question: Did Justin pick that Jose Ieber hat?
Lance: He did pick that hat, yea he did. He had a styalist but he definately went for that hat.
Question: If either of you were in that actual situation, would either one of you have said hey what's your number or would you have just stayed away?
Lance: I would have gotten the number!
Emmanuelle: Yeah the thing is, that it's tricky because I would if he had asked for the number I would have given it. I wouldn't have persued for the number because I was still in a relationship, so that was like.....
Lance: Oh, so you have
Emmanuelle: Morals. So yeah, that would have made it tricky but I was, as far as the character goes, she was hoping that he would ask her. (whisper) and chocked"
Question: If you're personally in a relationship would you give your number?
Lance: Just to be friends.
Emmanuelle: Yeah just to be friends, I mean that's the thing, if things were on the rocks and if I met this boy and you we were gonna be friends. yeah i'd give my number. I'd make it clear.
Question: What's the most romantic thing someone's done for you?
Lance: No one does anything romantic for me. I mean like cooked dinner or something, I don't know. I'm usually the one being romantic.
All: ahh
Emmanuelle: I did a romantic thing for you
Lance: What?!
Emmanuelle: I mean romantic in the friendship way. With the picture frame that I gave you.
Lance: That was really nice. That's right.
Emmanuelle: That was romantic. you want to know what it was?
All: Yeah
Emmanuelle: It was this silver picture frame and there were a lot of 1st times on this movie. It was Lance's 1st movie, it was a Happy Place 1st film, it was like my first real leading lady and so it made it a really special set. So I got him a silver picture frame, and in it, his assistant Beth took this amazing picture of us, we were both in costume, and there was the Chicago Skyline behind us, and panavision camera right in the corner, and it was a perfect pictue. So I put it in the frame, and then put on the bottom, it was inscribed, Look up ..... XOXO Abbey, so that was romantic from Abbey.
Lance: That is like the only picture up in my house rightnow, right above the fireplace.
Question: What was the most difficult scene to film?
Lance: um?
Emmanuelle: Most nerve racking was the President for me.
Lance: Yeah, oh yeah that was pretty bad, where we had to name the presidents, and you had to name way more than me.
Emmanuelle: Yeah
Question: How many times did you shoot that one?
Lance: Not that many.
Emmanuelle: Not that many and we didn't screw up, like we always had it, it was weird. I don't know. We were stressing. Lance and I were like hey guys we can get cew cards, we were so nervous.
Lance: I didn't know how I was gonna do it, I have the worst memory in the world. Like the worst and I they sprung this on me, and I was like no.
If all this would end tomorrow, would you be able to handle the fact and move on and like go to a different career?
Lance: Wow! It would be very depressing, I mean this is my life, I love entertaining. I could never see myself doing anything else.
Emmanuelle: Me too! I love other things, but this is my passion for sure.
What has been the best and worst advice you've gotten?
Lance: Best and worst advice?! Best advice I've gotten especially in this business is to really know when to relax and when to say when. 'Cause people are always going to be in your face, do this, do this, do this, oh but if you do this, it will slap you up, but I've learned how to say no, that's one of the things where I've learned to say no. 'Cause I never used to say no, I was always, yes, yes, yes. The worst advice, sign this contract, I will be your business manager, It's normal to take 90% of everything. (laughing)
Emmanuelle: I have to say the best advice has has just been stay true to yourself, always, and that just mean that every situation that comes your way, really, really take a look at it and is everything ok in your heart, if it isn't chances are it's not gonna work out. Worst advice, I've never gotten, was, to be honest, I'm stumpped a little. I've never really had that much bad advice.
Lance: That's good. Or that you know of.
Emmanuelle: Yeah, that I know of, nothings popping out in my head.
Yahir: Why do I believe in love at first sight?! Well, because when a person finds the special someone, the one, there's chemistry. There's a chemistry that nothing or no one can change. There's something that takes over your heart and mind. You're always thinking about that person...about how you want to spend all of your time with her and do the kinds of stuff that a relationship entitles. So, I do believe that, that is love at first sight.
Chrissy: As a child, who was your hero and why?
Yahir: Popeye!!! Popeye, because he was strong!!! That's why!!
Chrissy: Is there something that you've learned about yourself or something that you've learned to help you in life as a person?
Yahir: I've learned that one has to see who one really is. A person should not go around believing that they are better than everyone...believing that you are something you aren't. A long time ago, I learned that one thing is music, passion, and the arts, and that, well, other things are other things. No?! The lesson I learned taught me that in this career a lot of time you get set in your ideas, into who you "think" you are...instead of thinking about how great of a musician you can really be.
Chrissy: What was the most interesting thing that happened in Athens, Greece, during the Olympics?
Yahir: The most interesting thing, without a doubt, was Belen's triumph. For me the whole trip was super cool because Jose Ramon Fernandez treated me incredibly...he treated me and all the musicians that went over there, extremely well. It was the first time that a crew of musicians and singers had gone to cover an event like the Olympics. It was a really cool experience because we got to see that there are people fighting to change the state of sports in Mexico. Anyways, when Belen came and explained her experience as a cyclist, that's when we realized how important sports are to the people. There are so many people with talent looking for opprotunities and never get one.
Chrissy: Tell us about your new album, "Otra Historia de Amor."
Yahir: The album is incredible!!! The tracks are really good! All the tracks were greatly chosen. The album is extremely well made...we had a great producer...What more can I say....Oh and that I had so much fun recording this album!
Chrissy: Do you want to send a message to your fans?
Yahir: Thanks so much!!! This time that we were here was incredible! Always...the treatment that we recieve is incredible! Since the first moment that we saw each other, from the first moment that we's been incredible. Thanks for always being there! I thank you with all of my heart!
Shalim: Well, right now I see myself coming back from Spain, which became, I would say my main market right now for my music, with "Nadie Como Tu," my 1st single. It's still on rotation on the radio, it's been on there for 3 months, which is a pretty long time for 1 single, and actually it was one of the longest promotional time that an artist stays in a foriegn country, it's not a common thing. And I was there for a good, almost, 2 months. I came back and obviously I did a little of a recap with my
record company, with meetings and all that, the technical side of it, "the nobody wants to know about it," side of it and then I got the opportunity for the "Cinco de Mayo" event, to go to the White House and sing the "National Anthem" for the President, and that was definately one of
the most amazing experiences of my life.
Chrissy: What brings you to LA this time?
Shalim: Well, yesterday was a very special day for me as well, because on May 14th, the album has hit stores once again with a new cover, new artwork, and a couple of bonus tracks. What does it represent? Well, more than just a picture and a cover, it represents a new stage in my life, like a re-birth, like a new part of me, and I want to
share it with the world, and that's why I chose, "Si
Estuvieras Junto A Mi," because it's a softer side of this production.
Chrissy: When can we expect your 2nd ablum to come out?
Shalim: That's a little bit of an unpredictable question, since it is a re-launch, anything can happen, "good" or "good." It could easily die young, in a good sense of the word meaning that "Si Estuvieras Junto A Mi," would be the last
shot at it and I'm definately going to start preproduction very soon for my 2nd ablum. I think I already have an idea of what part of it would be. It's looking for, I mean I don't want to lie to you, but you know the chances are that by Valentine's Day 2003, the new album will either be hitting stores or the new single will be out.
Chrissy: Will you release any songs in English?
Shalim: In English, well ya, I mean the album has a couple of songs in English. "Crossover," not yet to be seen. I definately want to work the "Latin Market," a lot more, wanna feel comfortable, then I will kick off the crossover, it's definately there, it's definately something I want to do. Another thing I would really want to do is to dedicate at
least a month, 2 months, on preparing myself here in LA and doing some auditions, and just hitting a little bit of the acting side of my career.
Chrissy: As a child growing up, who was your hero?
Shalim: My hero? Wow, good question. Now it's Spiderman for sure. Either Spiderman or Kirsten Dundst, their there. (laughing) My hero, let me see, my mom was one of the people I really looked up to. She's been a great influence in my life. If we talk about music, I grew up listening to
Franco Di Vita, Jon Secada, himself. I was very into the romantic side, as well, I had a little bit of a rock side, so I loved Soda Stero and La Ley, and all those groups as well. I don't know, I don't think that I have a specific hero other than my mother, of course, I tend to drag out all the good characteristics of people, basically anybody, you
can learn from anybody.
Chrissy: What does family mean to you?
Shalim: It's the nucleus of life. It's what makes you come back tosomething.
Chrissy: What keep you so down-to-earth?
Shalim: I would say, in my case, that I was born and raised in this business, so it's a business for me, it's not my reality. Anybody who tells you that they are the same on stage as they are on the streets is lying or they haven't realized that
you have to become more agressive, more passionate, part of you, no matter what music you play on stage, and once you're conscience of that, you have to make sure that once your're walking down those stairs of the stage, that you go back to the original, your original state. I think
that awareness is what keeps me down-to-earth.
Chrissy: Do you think success is addictive?
Shalim: Addicitive personally, or to anybody?
Chrissy: Well to yourself.
Shalim: To myself, yes of course. I mean success is nothing more than your personal goals being accomplished. That's what success is to me, not other people's goals.
Chrissy: Do you feel that you have accomplished many goals already?
Shalim: I have accomplished many, but I'm not half-way towards all my goals, I want to accomplish in my life. I'm not even half-way and that is a good thing.
Chrissy: If you weren't a performer where would you see yourself today?
Shalim: I'd be acting!
Chrissy: If you weren't an actor?
Shalim: I'd be modeling!
Chrissy: If you weren't a model?
Shalim: Honestly, I don't have an answer to that question. I stopped asking that question, the moment I decided to jump into this career. I just left everything behind, and I will die doing what I do.
Chrissy: I've seen you on some tv shows, so are you planning on being in some more?
Shalim: On TV shows, ya, definately! You mean acting?
Chrissy: Yes.
Shalim: Definately, the big screen is my dream! I really, will die when I go to the Chinese Theater and see my premiere, that will be amazing for me. Just as much as the moment I heard my album for the 1st time, which was another very intense moment in my life, for example, that's a great example of what success is to people as it is to me. To me
success was already recording it, to my record company success would be selling it.
Chrissy: If you had to choose between music and acting, which do you enjoy more?
Shalim: 50/50, totally, 50/50!
Chrissy: Which single person has most influenced your life?
Shalim: My mom!
Chrissy: Why is that?
Shalim: Why, because there is a lot of her in me. I inherited a lot of my mother, and every day that passes by, I realize one more thing and one more thing, and it's very good. Very good! I mean the phenomena that she is female and I am
male also helps me, you know, there's not that mother/daughter or father/son natural competition that exists. You know, that your scared to over-shadow them or something. Unfortunately, I don't want to sound sexist, but that's nature, it's reality, I mean the fact that I'm a man and she's a women made us very close together. We're like brother and sister.
Chrissy: I know you've told me what your tattoo signifies, but would you explain it to our readers?
Shalim: The heart is love, the flames are passion, the cross is a Roman cross, it's half cross, half sword, and it actually comes from Spain, "El Orden de Los Templarios." The flower means, each petal is tears that the Virgin cried for Jesus, which is the love from a mother to a child.
Chrissy: Where did you get the idea from to get that tattoo?
Shalim: I don't know, it just came to my head. It was a kind of thing I designed and then started researching through books and saw that each one, actually had a meaning. But it was a creation from my mind.
Chrissy: So you actually designed it?
Shalim: Ya, I did! I designed it, and I didn't know where it came from.
Chrissy: So, on your new album, whenever it comes out, is it going to have the same kind of Middle Eastern feel to the music?
Shalim: Um, Middle Eastern...
Chrissy: Or Moraccian?
Shalim: Ya, that's an element, just like the Flamenco influence, it all connects of course, the North of Spain, there's a lot of Spanish influence there, and obviously there is an American influence when we talk about the ballads and the concept of slow tempo music. I don't want to scarifice
what took me three years to discover. I mean, your
always going to find, obviously, my producers are gonna want to do something different, I will tone them down a little. There's a lot of me in there, I don't want to sacrifice that. But, definately, it's goig to be another sound, one thing I can definately promise for the second album, is
that it's going to be a lot more organic. And for those who don't know what organic means, it's that the acoustic side of the instruments will play a basic role in each song, and it will be less charged up with a lot of tracks, which each track is an instrument.
Chrissy: Do you have a message for your fans?
Shalim: A message?! I have many messages!
Chrissy: Ok, then one message!
Shalim: "Welcome," (holding up a peace sign), no! I want to say that, wow, I want to wish you lots of luck, now that you're going steps up everyday, that's great! I'm really, really proud of you because I've known you for a while. I think you should serve as an example to young people of just fighthing for your dreams and pursueing them. So that's
my message! You're my message!
Chrissy: Thanks! =)
Friday, October 1, 2010
Latin Grammy Street Party in Chicago This Weekend

Info via el Facebook de Latin Grammys:
Amigos en CHICAGO! El segundo concierto del Latin GRAMMY Street Parties sera este domingo 3 de octubre en Plaza Garibaldi en Chicago. La fiesta comenzará a partir del medio día hasta las 7 pm. Contaremos con actuaciones de MARIANO BARBA, HORÓSCOPOS DE DURANGO, MONTEZ DE DURANGO y VOCES DEL RANCHO! Es un concierto gratu...ito que no se pueden perder! No olvides registrarte con nuestro patrocinador Las Vegas Visitors Bureau para la oportunidad de ganar un viaje a Las Vegas para asistir a la 11a Entrega Anual del Latin GRAMMY. Anunciaremos al ganador durante la fiesta este domingo.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
For an Eighth Consecutive Year the Latin Recording Academy®, Eventus and Univision Gear up for the 2010 Latin Grammy® Street Parties
Music Festivals Around the Country, Presented by McDonald's® and 7UP® with Official Sponsor Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, Bring the Latin GRAMMY Experience to top U.S. Hispanic Markets
Gilberto Santa Rosa to Kick-Off First Event on Sunday, Sept. 26 at West New York, New Jersey
MIAMI, Sept. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- The Latin GRAMMY® Street Parties begin their journey to the 11th Annual GRAMMY Awards with its first stop in New Jersey and will continue on to top Hispanic communities across the country. The Latin Recording Academy®, Eventus and Univision announce the schedule and roster for the 2010 Latin GRAMMY Street Parties. Currently in its eighth year, the "Street Parties" kick-off on Sunday September 26 in West New York, New Jersey between 54th and 60th Streets on Boulevard East and will feature Gilberto Santa Rosa, and some of today's hottest tropical music artists. Continuing its month long tour the festival will feature performances by Horoscopos de Durango and Montez de Durango in Chicago on October 3rd and Las Vegas on November 7th. Tito "El Bambino" will perform at the festivals in South Florida on October 10th, Dallas on October 17th and Los Angeles on Oct. 24th where he will be joined by Horoscopos de Durango. Other performers will be announced shortly.
This month-long celebration brings the excitement, enthusiasm, and energy of the 11th Annual Latin GRAMMY Awards to Latino communities throughout the United States. The annual awards show will be broadcast live on Thursday, Nov. 11 from 8 – 11 p.m. ET/PT (7 p.m. Central) on the Univision network from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas.
"As we enter into the next decade of the Latin GRAMMY Awards it is with great pride that we continue our highly successful Latin GRAMMY Street Parties," said Gabriel Abaroa Jr., President/CEO of The Latin Recording Academy. "These events not only pave the way towards the biggest night in Latin music but allow Latin communities to come together and celebrate the diversity of our music and culture. We are extremely excited and proud to bring established as well as emerging artists to various cities across the country and offer these free festivals to all music fans for eight years in a row."
The Street Parties capture the excitement surrounding the Latin GRAMMY Awards by offering an interactive backdrop for attendees to experience live entertainment, sponsor display areas, and product sampling. This leading national Latin music festival series will continue to feature performances by some of Latin music's hottest artists, while serving as a launching platform for emerging talent representing various genres, including reggaeton, regional Mexican, pop, rock en Espanol, and tropical among others.
"As we head into the program's 8th consecutive year, we are extremely proud of what the Latin GRAMMY Street Parties represent to the Hispanic communities nationwide. As the premiere Hispanic music series, reaching hundreds of thousands of Latinos across the country through an essential part of our culture-music, the Latin GRAMMY Street Parties continue to provide participants, artists, consumers and sponsors with an unparalleled entertainment experience," said Eventus President & CEO Nelson Albareda. "We look forward to working with The Latin Recording Academy, Univision and our sponsors on continuing to make the Latin GRAMMY Street Parties the huge success and exuberant event it has grown to be," he added.
The 2010 Latin GRAMMY Street Parties are presented by McDonald's and 7UP®. The official sponsor is the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, which will give away a VIP trip to Las Vegas to experience the 11th Annual Latin GRAMMY Awards ceremony first hand. Registration for the trip giveaway is available at the New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles and Dallas Latin GRAMMY Street Parties. Regional Sponsors Include: Amway, Cadbury Adams and Dr Pepper.
In addition to its U.S. broadcast, the 11th Annual Latin GRAMMY Awards will be broadcast in approximately 100 countries worldwide.