Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Innis Interview 1

On December 4th, 2000, I had the pleasure to interview the Latin singer, Innis. The interview took place at Farrah Dragon's Cashmere Sweaters in Beverly Hills, California. It was great to interview this cutie! Read on to see what Innis had to say and to check out some exclusive pictures!

Christina: First of all, what is your complete name?
Innis: Innis Casey Dumm

Christina: Where is your current residencey?
Innis: Mexico City, LA, Miami, mostly in Mexico.

Christina: Your favorite city?
Innis: LA... LA...LA... I am born and rasied here.

Christina: And, your favorite foods?
Innis: My moms meatballs, there the best, I defintely like obviously the Mexican food, I love Mexican food, Pozole is my favorite plate of all of them.

Christina: What nationality are you?
Innis: I have Italian roots, but I mean, I'm from here, my moms Italian, and my dad has, he's got a mix of things from Europe, like English, Irish, and German, so... a well mix. (Changing page.. "Can you flip the page for me, Christina's very nice, she's helping me out. Okay.")

Christina: When was the first time you decided you wanted to be in "show business?"
Innis: I think living here in Hollywood my whole here my whole life, I've always loved the movies, I've loved theater, it's like kinda a part of, right here next to Hollywood and everything. I never decided that I wanted to be in it, but it's something I think that was in my blood. Ya know? I've always loved it, I did some theater and stuff in high school, which was for fun, but decided that I actually wanted to dedicate myself to music and sing in Spanish living in Mexico, about, almost 3 years ago in Cuernavaca and that's where everything started, that's where I fell in love with everything, and discovered my passion for music.

Christina: What did it feel like the first time you heard your song on the radio?
Innis: You know, it's funny! I was on the street, la calle Reforma en Mexico, and I was actually right in front of the National Auditorium (El Auditorio Nacional), when I heard my song on the radio, and I cried 'cause I worked so hard, so it was an emotional moment. I was like, "I can't believe it?!" "Alli esta el nuevo chavo de Mexico, no de Mexico, pero, aqui vive en Mexico, su sencillo, "Dime Donde, Dime Cuando," aqui esta para ustedes, Innis!" They said my name and it was like "wow!," I can't believe it's on the radio (laughing), so with all that work, it was finally on the radio.

Christina: Do you get homesick or do you like being on the road?
Innis: I like being on the road, but of course I get homesick. My family and I, we're close. I miss my bed, I miss my dogs, I miss, like my house, it's a great home! I've lived there my whole life, so I miss it but opportunities like this to be working in LA, in California, I get to stay at my house, so, but I love being on the road, I love living in Mexico, I love living in other places and learning about other cultures as well, ya know?

Christina: What is the hardest part about being famous?
Innis: The hardest part about being famous?! (Pause) I don't know, I'm not that famous! (laughing) Um, you know, I love it! That's for sure! I think when, like you guys are here right now, it motivates me 'cause I just wanna be better, I wanna speak better Spanish, I wanna sing better for you guys, because you are like why I'm here you know and that's really cool. So being, I don't know, I always hear you lose your probably do, to some extent, but I knew it was something that comes with this career. That this choice to work in the business, so, but this is what I wanna do, and I think that you just have to learn to manage it.

Christina: What have you been up to lately?
Innis: Work! Lotta work, I've been traveling a lot. I've been going to radio stations, lots of interviews, lots of tv shows, so that's what I've been up to lately and also, I've been pigging out too! After we had Thanksgiving at my house, my mom cooked up a storm, so I'm surprised that I'm just not like... I love food! Eating, lots of eating!

Christina: What do you think about the "boy bands?"
Innis: I think it's great. I think that every artist whether group or solo artist has something special to offer to people and, I think it's great. Their singing and their having a great time, and their sharing their music with the world, you know, and that's what I wanna do. I just wanna be able to share my music with everyody and make it a part of their lives.

Christina: Which magazine is your favorite?
Innis: Yours! But it's on the internet! Eres, it's a great magazine, they helped me out a lot. I like Maxium, okay, Wallpapers is another good one.

Christina: I know a ton of girls are going to be asking me this! Are you single, or do you have a girlfriend?
Innis: You know, I had a girlfriend a few weeks ago, (pause) but not anymore! (laughing)

Christina: Do you have any college degrees?
Innis: Yes, I graduated in communications at San Diego State University.

Christina: To conclude this interview, what is your message to your fans?
Innis: Um, keep just going, decide what you want, and go for it. I think that everything is possible in this life, you just have to wanna do it, you have to want it. So don't ever be afraid to chase your dreams, everything is possible, and just do, and be yourself doing it! That's the most important thing. I think in anything you have to be yourself doing anything you do in your life, you know. Be yourself, people are gonna see that and go, "Wow, this guy, person is really cool. This guy, this girls really cool."

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